New Experiences

Ok – did something new today and I liked it. At the school we have a chapter of the Future Farmers of America (FFA). The one teacher who is active in it invited me to be the fourth in a golf foursome for an FFA scholarship fundraiser.

I said sure it helps the students and I like the teacher and others in the group. There was just one tiny catch…

I had never played golf at all… had no idea – lmao

Well it was a blast – 18 holes and they taught me and we partied and it was a great time. Plus I sunk a few putts, was great at chipping and just, it was a long day, but I am glad I went. And yes, I would golf again. Driving the cart was fun too 😛

Got some projects to finish up tomorrow and started teaching my summer online class.

Plus I need to build this bookcase and do projects around the house – damn I need to find someone who likes fix-it jobs around the house – any one wanna apply – cuddling and having wild fun are part of the benefits package hehe

Ok off to write and so this and that.

Published in: on June 25, 2008 at 2:31 am  Leave a Comment  

Not liking the boob squish test and other things

Ok – I do not like mammograms, nor do I like bilateral knee xrays. Yes had a couple tests today and man I just – there are other things I’d rather have done to my chest 😛 but it is important to get regular checks…

Working overtime at work to try and get workshops written, excel examples created, curriculum written, working on setting up the Bridging program and lost of other work projects. Even though the high school students’ last day was yesterday – I am a 12 month and always busy

Also been busy trying to get things ready here as I have a trip coming up. Been scheduling all these tests, trying to get paperwork done, bills paid and house clean. This has just been the week from hell… ahhh well the weekend will make up for it – ohhh yeah baby : )

Other things been catching my curiosity to – one is odd. A couple days ago, out of the blue, I got an email from a woman I had dated a few times. She had gone on to Alaska and things (my sister set me up in Tucson).

Well the email was, I am in phoenix. How are you. Are you seeing anyone.

I was like ooookkkkk so I replied and am waiting to see if she replied back.

This is the person that gave me heart boxers the second time she met me. I was like this is the first time a woman has given me underwear 😛 ok ok I admit that has been the only time someone gave me underwear hehe….

Been reading some cool comics, picked up something called the Doom Patrol. I liked it, weird as heck, but then so was Watchmen. I also am trying to get into the Grimm Fairy Tales, the House of Mystery and a few others, plus my traditional ones (Anita Blake, Birds of Prey and others)

Say Kung Fu Panda – it was good – growwwwlllll Tigress hehe T and I have been trying to get the action figure at McD’s we finally scoreddddddd ooohhhh Ms Jolie as a kick ass sexy kung fu tigress yeowwwwwww 😛

Lots of movies coming out T and I wanna see…. I think Indiana Jones is next… so many movies, so little time (and so few bucks hehe)

Published in: on June 17, 2008 at 8:34 pm  Leave a Comment  

Provoking discussion the music way

Ok – I changed the song on my MySpace profile (I kissed a Girl by Katy Perry) – it is a song that can create debate, heated discussion and all sorts of talk – hehe

some call it fun, some call it stereotyping and degrading, some call it a way to express inner feelings, it sets views and perceptions and yadda yadda, Katy does like to flirt with hot topics – walking the line and stomping on it – for instance – check the Ur so gay song of hers – ick) I find the beat is pop candy catchy the video pretty standard and fun and hey I like some of the lyrics so – it is my profile song for now hehe – along with it other songs with this theme –

what do you have to say??? what songs should be added to the list – I kissed a girl – katy perry this link is not the video but the lyrics – – one of the originals I kissed a girl by Jill Sobule – I do both jay and jane by La rissa – Autumn and me by Saving Jane – I happen to like this one – it is so subtle and has a few interpretations, could be best friends, could be more – eh I like the song so I throw it in – this home video is cute


Published in: on June 5, 2008 at 11:12 pm  Leave a Comment